Pregnancy Symptoms: What Happens Straightly?

Posted by Ana Nurkhasanah Thursday, May 28, 2015 0 comments
The pregnancy symptoms can appear in the first few weeks after the conception. Am I pregnant? To answer your question, you have to do a pregnancy test. For some women, early pregnancy symptoms start in the first few weeks after the conception. When you are getting pregnant the symptoms can indicate your pregnancy as well.

Classic pregnancy symptoms

The pregnancy symptoms week by week will improve due to a missed period. Be sure to differentiate whether it’s ectopic pregnancy symptoms or not. Here are the signs of pregnancy you should notice:

Swollen breast

In the early of pregnancy, the hormonal changes make your breast sore, tender and also sensitive. Even, your breast could be heavier and fuller.

Nausea with or without vomiting

Nausea or generally called morning sickness begins early about three weeks after the conception. The pregnancy plays important role in causing the nausea.

Increased urination

If you find yourself urinate more than usual, you could consider it as pregnancy symptoms in the early stages.


Fatigue also indicates the symptoms of pregnancy. During the early of pregnancy, the hormone progesterone levels get soar which can lead you to feel sleepy.

Food aversions

When you are getting pregnant, you might be sensitive at certain foods smell. Food aversions are common.

Other pregnancy symptoms

There are other symptoms of pregnancy may occur during your pregnancy.

Slight bleeding

A small amount of slight bleeding or spotting is one of the first pregnancy signs. It is well-known for implantation bleeding which happens because the fertilized egg affixes the uterus lining. Nonetheless, the implantation bleeding is lighter than menstrual one.


During early on the pregnancy some women may experience mild cramping.

Mood swings

The hormones flood in your body during the early of pregnancy can make you become weepy and emotional.


As you are getting pregnant the blood vessels dilate your blood pressure to drop. It will lead you to have light headache.


The changes of your hormones cause the digestive system to slow down that can lead to constipation.

Basal temperature

The basal temperature also indicates the pregnancy clue. The basal temperature increase slightly after the ovulation and will remain until your next period. If you have been charting the basal temperature of your body to determine the time you ovulate, if it continues elevation for more than two weeks it means you are pregnant.

Title: Pregnancy Symptoms: What Happens Straightly?
Written by Ana Nurkhasanah
Blog Rating 5 dari 5
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