Pregnancy Week By Week

Posted by Ana Nurkhasanah Friday, May 29, 2015 0 comments

Week 1-7

In the firs weeks pregnant, many do not think mom was pregnant. It is hard to believe there is life elsewhere in the body. In the first weeks pregnt, the fetus size new 1,5 cm or 0,5 inch. As the size of pea. This “way” is the single age awakened in the fetus will grow slowly in the baby’s heart.

Week 8-12

In this week, the baby will grow rapidly and reached about 6,5 cm at the age of 12 weeks. The baby’s sex can be detected and the nervous system can send messege to the muscles so that the baby takes his first step as the arc inch. You will be in a blood test to determine
the Rh group at 12 weeks gestation. If your blood is Rh negative and the baby's father is Rh positive, it is very likely to bayimemiliki sidewhiskers Rhesus positive.

Week 13-16

At the age of 16 weeks, fingers, nose and fingers are fully formed. Although his head still dominate large body size. The nerves of the baby both you and your height is 11.5 cm long. You will begin to strengthen your bones. The bayisudah sidewhiskers could hear the sound and the rate of heart, and even was able mengenyot single inch.

Week 17-21

At the age of 21 weeks, the fetus has reached 18 cm and weighs 300 grams. Fetus also begins to store fat and glands begin producing smooth white coating called vernix, which will protect your baby from amniotic fluid. Foetus also began to respond to touch and abdominal pressure. Although the lungs and the digestive system is working, but still very low. An ultrasound at that time was able to determine the sex of the child.

Week 22-27

The entire body of the fetus began proportional to the head. At the age of 27 weeks, the body length of 24 cm with a weight of 1 kg. He also started to be able to distinguish between light and darkness, and was able to open the lid of the eye, so he started practicing to focus. His lungs are ready to take the first breath after leaving the womb. The possibility exists that sometimes suffocation if ingestion of amniotic fluid. And you can feel if your baby reacts.

Week 28-30

At this age, the child is not half the truck later, when he came out of the womb, but the weight will grow rapidly. At the age of 30 weeks, it reached 26.5 cm in length and weighing up to 1.4 kg. The skull is very thin and fragile, and begin to grow and form a groove and Liukan as the adult brain. The impressive, eyelashes, eyebrows and hair.

Week 31-33

How long the child has reached 31 cm and a weight of 2 kg. His position began to turn so that the head is right at the entrance of the uterus (the top), and should this position will last until the time of his birth (ultrasound will show whether you have "spin "and you do not worry Terlau, Some babies experiencing delays. His face started now soft folds of skin began to decline. If she wanted in've" out "at the time, is likely to be languishing in an incubator for a long time. Because the lung is still not perfect and your blood pressure is not stable.

Week 34-36

Its weight is developing very rapidly to about 250 grams per week. At the age of 36 weeks weighing head to toe about 2.75 kg and a length of 46 cm. Although the length is like a baby that was being born, arms and legs remain thin. Vernix (fine hair) cheese and lenugo that protects the baby's skin thinning of the amniotic fluid. Her nails began to grow to the fingertips. Eyes already existed color (blue, green or brown)

Week 37-40

At week 40, the child is ready to be born. These guidelines are only guidelines hour of birth. In fact, the baby sometimes crowded before or even after the approval of these weeks. The average weight of newborns is 2.5-5 kg ​​with a length of 44-55 cm. Weight is not? All organs and the system is operational, but the lungs will be the last part to develop fully.

Title: Pregnancy Week By Week
Written by Ana Nurkhasanah
Blog Rating 5 dari 5
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